The Metal Cell Podcast
We found 2 articles with the tag “#headbang”.
The Risen Dread - Night Hag
February 19th, 2022
By Pat O'Regan
#album, #applemusic, #check, #headbang, #heavymetalmusic, #heavymetalpodcasts, #instudio, #irishmetal, #irishmetalgigs, #irishmetalinterviews, #itunes, #listening, #live, #liveradio, #lthemetalcellpodcast, #metalinterviews, #metalmusic, #metalpodcast, #metalreviews, #metalshow, #music, #musicpress, #newmusic, #nowplaying, #playlist, #playlists, #premium, #radio, #song, #songs, #soundcloud, #spotify, #spotifyplaylist, #supportirishmetal, #supportyourlocalmetalscene, #themetalcellreviews, #therisendread, #thesmashingskullsessions, #twitter, #youtubeWith influences spanning decades, The Risen Dread have released a behemoth of an album. Irish metal is thriving when you hear the quality of the musicianship here on Night Hag. Having both Irish and Brazilian members in equal measure, The Risen Dread are chock-full of ideas and talent, and are on an upward trajectory, that shows no sign of easing off.
The Magnapinna: Party Rumours.
February 5th, 2022
By Pat O'Regan
#album, #applemusic, #check, #headbang, #heavymetalmusic, #heavymetalpodcasts, #instudio, #irishmetal, #irishmetalgigs, #irishmetalinterviews, #itunes, #listening, #live, #liveradio, #lthemetalcellpodcast, #metalinterviews, #metalmusic, #metalpodcast, #metalreviews, #metalshow, #music, #musicpress, #newmusic, #nowplaying, #playlist, #playlists, #premium, #radio, #song, #songs, #soundcloud, #spotify, #spotifyplaylist, #supportirishmetal, #supportyourlocalmetalscene, #themagnapinna, #themetalcellreviews, #thesmashingskullsessions, #twitter, #youtubeWhen you listen to The Magnapinna, don't mistake fun for absurdity. These guys can play and have a natural flair for making music that's interesting, explosive and dynamic. Hybridizing modern metal with the funkier sounds of past decades has given The Magnapinna their very own USP and are not afraid to flaunt it!